
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Seeing Through A Different Set of Eyes

   I have never liked bugs. It didn't matter what type of insect or how big it was, if one got close enough for me to touch it, it was soon dead. After having my children, my view became more reasonable. If a bug is outside leave it alone because this is it's home, but if it's inside our home it's gonna die!
 There was a yellow jacket trapped in my bathroom and it kept running into the window. It didn't want to be in my home anymore than I wanted it to be. I began to look at this creature through different eyes, and decided to let it live. I ignored it the first day hoping it would find its way out, but the next morning there he was again. As I looked at this wasp I found myself amazed with the unique yet precise form of this little guy, he was made with a purpose just like me. So... I took an empty toilet paper roll and used it as a tunnel and then coaxed the wasp to enter inside. I continued to talk in a gentle tone until we made it outside. Next, I placed him on the front porch and quickly closed the door. Then, I watched through the window as he crawled out of his mobile home and flew off to safety.
  This made me think...true love is not simply being kind to family, friends, and neighbors because it's the right thing to do. It is something that happens inside and you can't help but express it to those around you. It's putting your arms around people in tough times, even though there is the off chance you may get bitten, you truly care how they feel. It's writing a note of appreciation, baking a batch of cookies, or just stopping by with a cup of coffee. It's finding out what their dreams are and encouraging them to run after them. It's a love that can't be imitated because people know when you're real. It's being a friend like Jesus.

John 13:34-35
